Project overview
Transnational Action to advance SKills and competences FOR Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
Entrepreneurship in central Europe is marked by limited inclusiveness. Women, migrants, and young people are still underrepresented when it comes to building a business. TASK4ISI embraces the potential of these “missing” entrepreneurs by establishing inclusive “entrepreneurship and social innovation hubs”. The partners develop and test specific learning programmes and craft strategies for a sustainable and inclusive growth of central European regions. In their pilots, the partners train 200 under-represented entrepreneurs and develop five transferrable toolkits to leverage skills for inclusive entrepreneurship.
2,06m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
A partnership of 11 partners and 6 associated partners cooperate in TASK4ISI to increase competences, skills and innovation capacities of 200 under-represented entrepreneurs, to foster territorial inclusive and social innovation, and to stimulate regional competitiveness while meeting the need for social cohesion.
TASK4ISI contributes to innovate the S3 logic and to conciliate the smart growth agenda with inclusive growth agendas, towards a Smart Specialisation Strategy for Sustainable and Inclusive growth (S4+). To achieve this, TASK4ISI establishes local Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Hubs (ISI HUBs) to leverage the potential of Cooperation in a Transnational Network with 108 members.
The partnership jointly develops a Framework Programme of learning facilities and support services for aspirant and early entrepreneurs; contextualisation processes lead to regional Business Skills and Matchmaking Programmes that are piloted and validated in 5 implementation regions.
From pilot evidences, 5 Toolkits for Inclusive Entrepreneurship are defined and ready to be upscaled; furthermore, a Joint Strategy Agenda and 5 Local Action Plans Packages are issued contributing to make Inclusive Entrepreneurship one of the priorities of S4+.
After 30 months, TASK4ISI expects to increase competitiveness of involved regions, through strengthened skills, tailored services for social innovation and policy learning capacities for S4+.
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
Krakow University of Economics
Department of Public Management
Project partner
Work and Equal Opportunities
47030 San Mauro Pascoli
Project Department
Department of International Programmes
1074 Budapest
Wydział ds. Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji/ Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.